US places Indian Mujahideen on terror list

The group is responsible for dozens of bomb attacks throughout India since 2005.

Afp September 15, 2011
US places Indian Mujahideen on terror list

WASHINGTON: The United States on Thursday said it has placed the Indian Mujahideen (IM), a militant group known for bombings in India, on its list of terrorist organizations.

"An India-based terrorist group with significant links to Pakistan, IM is responsible for dozens of bomb attacks throughout India since 2005, and has caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians," the State Department said.

It said the group maintained close ties to Pakistani-based groups on the terrorism list, and had as its goal attacks against non-Muslims with the ultimate aim of creating an Islamic caliphate across South Asia.

India has accused the group of carrying out an attack in town of Pune February 13, 2010 that claimed the lives of 16 people.

IM has also claimed responsibility for a series of bombings in New Delhi in September 2008, as well as 16 coordinated explosions in July 2008 in Ahmedabad and bombings the same year in Jaipur.

Placing the group on the terrorism list means that their assets can be frozen and Americans are barred from assisting the group.


Sarcastic | 12 years ago | Reply

This is all an ISI conspiracy. How can "shining" and rising world superpower India suddenly become a hub of terror activitity and terrorist infrastructure!!?? All problems in India are because of ISI. Indian Mujahideen is also an ISI conspiracy. In fact, members of Indian Mujahideen are all Pakistani nationals. The Indian Army soldiers commiting massacres in Kashmir who are the root cause of all these terror groups are also all Pakistanis and an ISI conspiracy!!

This cannot happen in incredible India

Denial mode | 12 years ago | Reply

I think people are missing the crux of the main argument here. Instead of pointing fingers at Pakistan, why shouldn't India just for one second just look at why this group exists in the first place? The Indian mujahideen is a home grown group made up of Indians and not Pakistanis. There should be a thorough study as to why there are radicalised disgruntled youth entering these organisations in the first place. Blaming Pakistan all the time is akin to living in denial mode for Indians.

India's policies in Kashmir are among the root causes for all these organisations propping up. An Indian homegrown terror group appearing in the US terror list is nothing to cheer about. On the contrary, as an Indian, I would be very concerned how an Indian group managed to enter the US list of terror threats.

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