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Chinese fossil reveals evolution of skin in feathered dinosaurs
Unearthed in northeastern China, the nearly complete 130-million-year-old fossil is of a juvenile Psittacosaurus
Professor apologises for teaching evolution theory
Incident sparks fears about growing threats to freedom of expression
Rare 3.8-million-year-old skull yields new clues on how humans evolved
The discovery has the potential to alter our understanding of human evolution
Ancient monkey skull reveals secrets of primate brain evolution
The research used X-rays and CT scans of the inside of the Chilebus' skull to determine its internal structure
Cows may become biggest mammal on Earth if humans keep up extinctions, predicts study
Creatures including elephants, giraffes and hippos may soon become extinct, say researchers
Warts and all: Researchers reconstruct face of Cro-Magnon man
Skeleton of Cro-Magnon 1, a male Homo sapiens dating back 28,000 years, was discovered in 1868 in France
Monkeys use tools to crack nuts, shuck oysters, say researchers
The study was published in the journal Royal Society Open Science
Oldest human fossil outside Africa dug up in Israel
Discovery sheds new light on routes our ancestors took out of Africa, and helps experts understand human evolution
Big cats in evolutionary arms race with prey, according to new study
Research suggests fleeing at top speed is a fatal mistake, making it easier for the fearsome felines to kill
Scientists 'solve' mystery of how first animals appeared on Earth
Global algae bloom changed everything
'Missing link' bolsters bold theory on dino evolution
Well-known ornithischians include Triceratops, three-tonne Stegosaurus
Turkey to stop teaching evolution theory in high schools: education board
Turkey senior official claims evolution controversial and difficult to understand
Your oldest ancestor was really weird and had a big mouth
Saccorhytus appears to be the most primitive member of the broad animal group called deuterostomes
How human ancestor Lucy died
A high resolution X-ray CT study of Lucy, indicates she suffered fractures to her right humerus
Mystery 'hobbits' not humans like us: study
Fossils of Homo floresiensis -- dubbed "the hobbits" -- were discovered on the island of Flores in 2003