Child marriage is a disgusting practice
Don’t we teach our children to stay away from strangers? Then how can we make them spend their entire lives with them?
Every year, hundreds of young girls are deprived of their destiny right before they blossom and they’re trampled upon mercilessly. Why do rituals, generation-old promises and societal concerns continue to decide the fate of those who haven’t even reached adulthood?
The on-going issue of child marriages in developing countries has been highlighted by UNICEF in a hair rising video. UNICEF has taken a step to create awareness about child brides and is taking great initiatives to put a much needed end to this grave issue.
This thought provoking agony is just another story for listeners but in reality, it puts an end to a child’s dreams, fantasies and wishes within minutes.
The video starts off with glittering preparations for a wedding and ends on a note of bitter reality; pushing young girls into marriage.
No religion, culture, society and no ethnicity should have the power to snatch a girl’s youth. Every child deserves the right to experience childhood rather than being pushed into adulthood.
The glamour of a wedding and a marriage ceases to exist if the bride is being forced into it and especially if she’s marrying a complete stranger who is thrice her age. Don’t we teach our children to stay away from strangers? Then how can parents turn that around so dramatically and make their children spend their entire lives with them?
This is a harsh reality, one which we have learnt to digest over time.
But for how long?
This video should make everyone want to take immediate action against the issue of underage marriages and child brides, especially considering how Pakistan suffers from the very same issue. Even though the Child Marriages Restraint Act is intact in Pakistan, it has various loopholes and doesn’t deter age old customs.
Let’s join hands and stand united against such evils existing in our society before someone we know falls prey to this disgusting practice.
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