Put a red dress on

He asked, and asked for her to put red on - she smiled, and mischievously, in white got donned.

Arfa Ezazi June 20, 2012
And he asked, and asked

For her to put red on;

She smiled, and mischievously,

In white got donned.


He wanted, and wilt,

To propose to her that night;

Take her, seduce her,

Under the moonlight.


She knew, and enjoyed,

The extra attention he showered;

Smitten souls, budding love,

No more strength to be a coward.


He hoped, he prayed,

The answer would be 'yes!'

Make vows, utter loyalty,

And not a tad bit less.


She laughed, secretly ecstatic,

Comprehending it all too well;

Preparing mind, controlling heart,

Shall she go all "Of course, what the hell"?


He smiled, he talked,

As they got into the car;

Joked well, hid jitters,

Winked, saying they were going far.


She coaxed, she cajoled,

Though not tell her, but drive not rash;

Whisking away, taking risks,

Oh what - there came a crash.


He lay, was unmoving,

Upon her shoulder, his head as it rest;

The hands, fingers unclutched,

Diamond in the palm, as if his last test.


She sat, frozen still,

Looking at the ring, breath she tried to find;

Last act, last sign,

Of the love he'd left behind.


He's gone, like he said - a little too - far,

What had she here, if he were dead;

Eyes closed, blood flowed,

See, my love, I put on some red.
Arfa Ezazi An avid reader and blogger who frequently indulges in poetry and Tweets @Ezazi
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