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Rain or shine, get your game face on!

From cricket & futsal to basketball & badminton, indoor sports facilities are springing up across cities in Pakistan

By Nabil Tahir |
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PUBLISHED May 12, 2024

Do you remember the last time you had a few hours to spare, and all you wanted to do was grab a bat and ball or kick a football around with friends? But instead, you found yourself stuck in traffic, or stuck at home, or stuck in front of a screen? For many young Pakistanis growing up in urban cities, this is a daily reality. The demands of school, work, and family life leave little time for physical activity for children, and the few hours of free time they do have are often spent indoors, glued to screens.

The consequences of this sedentary lifestyle are stark. Childhood obesity is on the rise, and physical inactivity is becoming a major public health concern. But it's not just physical health that suffers. Mental wellbeing is also affected when we don't have enough time to relax, socialise, and engage in activities we enjoy. And yet, despite the importance of play and physical activity, many young Pakistanis are struggling to find the time and space to pursue their passions.

But what if there was a way to reclaim some of that lost playtime, without having to sacrifice precious hours or worry about safety and security? This is precisely what's driving the rise of indoor sports in Pakistan. From cricket and futsal to basketball and badminton, indoor sports facilities are springing up in cities across the country, offering a flexible, fun, and safe way for young Pakistanis to get moving and stay active.

Indoor sports facilities are a game-changer for urban Pakistanis. They offer a climate-controlled environment, free from the scorching summer heat or torrential monsoon rains. They provide a safe and secure space, away from the hustle and bustle of city streets. And they offer a flexible schedule, with courts and pitches available 24/7, so you can play at a time that suits you.

It's not just the facilities themselves that are driving this trend – it's the changing attitudes of young Pakistanis towards physical activity. Gone are the days when sports were seen as a luxury, or a hobby for the privileged few. Today, young Pakistanis are recognising the importance of physical activity for their physical and mental wellbeing, and they're seeking out opportunities to stay active and engaged.

Outdoor frustrations

Pakistan is a country passionate about sports, with a rich history of producing talented athletes and enthusiastic fans. However, the reality of playing sports in Pakistan is far from ideal. Outdoor sports facilities are often in disrepair, with cracked and uneven surfaces, inadequate lighting, and insufficient security. The sweltering summer heat and torrential monsoon rains make outdoor games a challenge, with many facilities closed during the peak summer months. Moreover, the lack of dedicated spaces for sports means that players often have to contend with crowded and noisy environments, making it difficult to focus on the game.

Young people with no resources are often forced to play in makeshift spaces, such as empty lots or streets, without proper equipment or supervision. This not only hampers their ability to develop their skills but also puts them at risk of injury. The dearth of quality outdoor sports facilities has led to a decline in participation, particularly among women and girls, who face additional cultural and societal barriers to playing sports. As a result, many young Pakistanis are missing out on the physical and mental benefits of sports. Consequently, the country is losing out on potential sports talent.

For 18-year-old Mohib Asad, a budding cricketer, the struggles are all too real. "I've grown up playing cricket on the streets and in empty lots," he said. "It's always been a struggle to find a safe place to play." His friends have gotten injured becuase of lack of proper facilities and equipment and some have given up on playing cricket altogether. "It's frustrating because we have the passion and talent, but not the resources to support us," Asad said.

But there's hope on the horizon. "I'm excited about the rise of indoor sports facilities," said Asad enthusiastically. "It's a game-changer for players like me who want to take our game to the next level."

But with the rise of indoor sports facilities, Sana Ahmed, a 22-year-old tennis player finally feels like she's found a space to call her own. “It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders,” she said. “I can finally focus on my game without worrying about my safety or time constraints. I can play for hours on end, without interruption or distraction. It's liberating, to say the least.”

Ahmed has had to abandon many a training session just because of unwanted attention or harassment. “I just want to focus on my serve, but I'm constantly looking over my shoulder, wondering when someone will catcall or make a comment. And don't even get me started on the time constraints! I have to rush through my practice before it gets dark, or else I'll be stuck playing in the shadows. I get it, safety first, but can't I just have a space to play without worrying about all that?”

Street to court

Shahrukh Khatak, a seasoned coach and footballer with experience in both indoor and outdoor sports, agrees that indoor sports is on the rise. It has provided athletes with options. "To start an activity and draw people in, indoor sports are definitely the platform that connects people and sports. Those who used to play on the streets, moved to site games, but now they can play indoors first and then move to the longer format of the game after polishing their skills," he said.

While indoor sports facilities are beneficial for shorter formats of sports, additional training and endurance are required to excel in longer formats. "However, for the shorter formats, this preparation is indeed helpful,” he said. “The growing trend of indoor sports is a positive sign, indicating that we will have more opportunities to send our students to international competitions in the shorter formats."

From cricket and football to tennis and badminton, indoor sports are gaining popularity at an unprecedented rate. The appeal lies not only in the comfort and convenience of playing indoors but also in the opportunity to develop skills and compete at a higher level. With their climate-controlled conditions, advanced equipment, and expert coaching, these facilities are changing the way sports are played in Pakistan.

Khatak pointed out the growing trend of working individuals flocking to sports arenas in the evenings, after their day jobs.

He believes that the impact of evening sports on the community is significant. "I feel it's very effective," he remarked. "There is also an audience that is being drawn to sports spectating. Working-class youngsters are more attracted to evening sports, which includes those who want to reconnect with sports but are unable to do so." According to Khatak, academies are mostly populated by youngsters who play during the day, while working-class youngsters dominate the evening sports scene.

The popularity of indoor sports will only keep rising, he said. “New sports arenas are being developed everywhere in every city and area. I believe there will be more than five to six indoor sports courts in every area of Karachi."

National squash legend Jahangir Khan has partnered with an indoor sport facility called Legends Arena as its chairman. “I was inspired by the need to provide accessible and high-quality sports facilities for the youth of Pakistan, fostering talent and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Especially considering the lack of state-of-the-art facilities for sports,” Jahangir Khan told The Express Tribune.

Chief Marketing Officer Yousuf Ghaznavi said that Legends Arena recognised the growing demand for high-quality sports facilities and the need to promote sports culture in Pakistan. With their expertise in construction and project management, they saw an opportunity to contribute to this vision. Furthermore, it is a good business opportunity too. “The demand for indoor sports facilities is expected to grow steadily as more people recognise the benefits of regular physical activity and organised sports. We anticipate a significant increase in usage and demand for facilities like Legends Arena in the months if not years,” Ghaznavi added.

Indoor benefits

Facilities like Legends Arena are helping to combat sedentary lifestyles and health issues. But the benefits of indoor sports extend far beyond the physical realm. They also offer a unique opportunity for young people to develop essential life skills, build confidence and character, and become active and engaged members of their communities.

According to Jahangir Khan, indoor sports have the power to transform the lives of young Pakistanis. "Indoor sports offer a safe and controlled environment for physical activity, helping to combat sedentary lifestyles and health issues," he explained. "Over the next few years, I hope to see a significant increase in youth participation in sports, leading to improved physical and mental well-being."

By combining physical activity with educational programs and initiatives, indoor sports facilities are helping to create a new generation of young Pakistanis who are equipped to succeed in all areas of life. The link between sports and education is crucial. "Education and sports go hand in hand. They incorporate traits like personality, discipline, confidence, and sportsmanship, which are crucial for real-life situations. Therefore, it's vital to have these facilities accessible for youth today," Jahangir Khan said.

But the benefits of indoor sports aren't limited to the individual. They also have the power to transform communities and promote a culture of physical activity and healthy living. By making indoor sports facilities accessible and affordable for all, we can help to create a healthier, happier, and more active Pakistan.

Khatak believes that the growth of indoor sports is not only benefiting players and kids who want to play sports, but it has also become a lucrative business opportunity. "People are developing more and more indoor courts, investing in them, and holding competitions in shorter formats, which generates revenue," he notes. This rotation of money benefits the facilities, attracting more people to the infrastructure. "Basically, people are attracted to the shorter format, revenue-generating competitions where the turnover of money is better and quick," he added.

Talking about creating a balance between the business side of running a sports arena with the mission of promoting sports and healthy lifestyles, Ghanavi explained saying, “Balancing business objectives with our mission to promote sports and healthy lifestyles requires a holistic approach. We prioritise community engagement, athlete development, and environmental stewardship in all aspects of our operations.”

Meanwhile, Ahmed is thrilled to see the increasing trend of female athletes participating in indoor sports. "It's amazing to see more and more women taking up sports, and indoor facilities are making it so much easier for us to stay active and competitive," she said.

"I've seen a huge increase in the number of women playing sports like badminton, tennis, and even football, and it's incredible to see the confidence and skills they're developing," said Ahmed. "It's not just about the physical benefits; it's also about the mental and emotional well-being that comes with playing sports. Indoor facilities are providing a space for women to come together, support each other, and pursue their dreams."

She added, "Indoor sports have not only improved our physical health but also boosted our confidence and self-esteem, and we're grateful for initiatives that are promoting women's sports and providing us with opportunities to succeed."

Indoor gamechanger

Indoor sports facilities like Legends Arena are revolutionizing the way sports are played in Pakistan. By providing a safe, secure, and state-of-the-art environment for physical activity, these facilities are helping to combat sedentary lifestyles and health issues, while also promoting a culture of sports excellence. As Jahangir puts it, "The facility has become a benchmark and has set a standard for how a multi-sports facility should be."

Ghaznavi explained the meticulous planning and attention to detail that went into its design and construction. "We prioritised features such as ample space, state-of-the-art turfs, and spectator amenities to ensure an unparalleled experience for athletes and fans alike," he said.

Jahangir Khan's partnership with Legends Arena was a natural fit, given his shared vision of promoting sports development in Pakistan. "Legends Arena's commitment to providing world-class facilities and promoting sports aligns with my vision of supporting sports development in Pakistan."

Ghaznavi added that sustainability was a key consideration in the construction of Legends Arena. “We incorporated energy-efficient systems and solar energy practices to minimise our environmental footprint and ensure long-term sustainability. All our buildings and infrastructure is based on a modular system, which means that it can be unbolted and taken apart for relocation purposes. This helps us in retaining at least 50 per cent of the materials used creating a positive impact on the use of natural resources and building materials,” he said.

Nurturing talent and fostering excellence

As indoor sports facilities continue to revolutionise the way we play and engage with sports, it's clear that they offer a unique opportunity to nurture talent and foster excellence. By providing a safe, secure, and state-of-the-art environment for physical activity, indoor sports facilities are helping to combat sedentary lifestyles and health issues, while also promoting a culture of sports excellence. But what programs and initiatives are in place to identify and develop talent in sports like cricket and futsal?

According to Jahangir Khan, "Indoor sports facilities can play a crucial role in identifying and developing talent in sports like cricket and futsal. By providing access to quality coaching, training, and competition, these facilities can help young athletes develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed."

Yousuf says that the partnerships and collaborations between indoor sports facilities, schools, clubs, and other organisations are also essential for promoting sports development and talent identification.

"Sports provide a gateway to a healthier lifestyle, and parents often encourage their children to participate in sports to promote a healthy and active lifestyle, regardless of whether they pursue sports seriously or not." By engaging in sports, children can develop physical fitness, mental well-being, and social connections. "Moreover, sports offer a platform for children to make new friends and build a supportive community, which is essential for their overall development," Shahrukh added

The rise of indoor sports in Pakistan is a welcome trend that's transforming the lives of young Pakistanis. By providing a safe, secure, and state-of-the-art environment for physical activity, indoor sports facilities are helping to combat sedentary lifestyles and health issues, while also promoting a culture of sports excellence. With their unique features and programs, indoor sports facilities are poised to make a lasting impact on the sports landscape in Pakistan, nurturing talent, fostering excellence, and empowering young people to succeed in life. As the demand for indoor sports facilities continues to grow, it's clear that they will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of sports in Pakistan.