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Glow up Pakistan: from fairness to self-care

Dr Uzair Khan leads the charge, emphasising natural results and reshaping beauty standards in Pakistan

By Nabil Tahir |
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PUBLISHED October 22, 2023

In the wake of the far-reaching COVID-19 pandemic, the beauty and personal care market in Pakistan has seen a remarkable shift. Evolving from humble beginnings, the traditionally underestimated sector is undergoing an unprecedented boom. With consumers increasingly focused on self-care, hygiene, and personal well-being, new beauty rituals are setting trends that resonate beyond borders. From the renewed appreciation of age-old remedies to the embrace of cutting-edge technologies, the industry is paving the way for a skincare renaissance that is uniquely Pakistani.

Skin revolution

In recent years, Pakistan has experienced a remarkable transformation in the realm of skincare and aesthetics. This shift is part of a broader global trend, where self-care and self-investment are taking centre stage in people's lives.

“This increase in awareness has led to a greater understanding of the benefits of self-investment and its positive impact on daily life. Extensive research in the field of aesthetic procedures has bolstered people's confidence in science-backed treatments,” said Dr Uzair who runs a Boutique Healthcare clinic, Estheticare.

The traditional paradigm of healthcare, which primarily focused on treating illnesses, is giving way to a more holistic approach. Health in Pakistan is no longer solely about physical well-being; it now encompasses emotional and psychological health, and it recognises the profound impact that healthy, radiant skin can have on an individual's self-esteem and overall quality of life.

Boutique healthcare, as exemplified by Estheticare, is revolutionising the industry. This clinic has breathed new life into the conventional healthcare model by introducing innovative skincare and aesthetic treatments. Dr Uzair Khan of Estheticare has brought in cutting-edge procedures, reshaping how people view healthcare and enhancing their well-being.

The skincare and aesthetic trend reflects a changing society. More and more individuals, both men and women, are acknowledging the value of investing in their own health and appearance. Research in the field of aesthetic procedures has bolstered trust in science-backed treatments, enabling people to confidently embark on journeys to healthier, more radiant skin.

This revolution in skincare is not without its challenges, particularly in managing patient expectations. As an aesthetic consultant, Dr Uzair Khan is aware of the fine balance between enhancing natural beauty and avoiding unnatural or drastic transformations. In essence, skincare is a medical field that seeks to enhance individual features, not replace them.

The evolving trend in Pakistan mirrors global patterns, emphasising not just dramatic transformations but also the importance of skin health and regeneration. Healthy, radiant skin is rapidly becoming the new standard of beauty. Dr Uzair, in alignment with this trend, focuses on providing natural and undetectable results.

Pakistan's historical preference for fair skin is gradually transforming into a celebration of all skin tones. While this shift may take time to become the norm, the younger generations, heavily influenced by social media and science-backed results, are actively prioritising skincare. This marks a significant transformation in the country's perception of beauty.

As Dr Uzair continues to lead the way in the skincare revolution in Pakistan, he offers valuable advice to those considering their first skincare treatment: consult with professionals for personalised advice, research procedures, costs, and providers, set realistic expectations, prioritise safety, and be patient, as skincare often requires time and consistency.

In the eyes of Dr Uzair Khan, the future of Pakistan's skincare industry is bright. “Growing awareness and the demand for advanced treatments are driving the evolution of the industry. Estheticare's vision is clear: to offer cutting-edge treatments, empower patients and professionals with education, invest in research and development, engage with communities, embrace global best practices, and promote sustainability. The clinic envisions a future where skincare truly enhances lives, and they are committed to shaping that future through innovation and excellence.

Carbon Laser Peel

The skincare industry has seen several innovations over the years, but none have caused as much of a stir in Pakistan as the Carbon Laser Peel. This revolutionary procedure, sometimes referred to as the Pico Laser, is redefining the concept of skincare treatments, making it accessible and highly effective for patients.

At the heart of this procedure is the Picosecond Laser, which delivers ultra-short pulses of light to create a unique photoacoustic effect. “In simpler terms, this effect produces a mechanical pressure wave that works to break down pigment in the target tissue into smaller fragments. The beauty of this process lies in its gentleness; it is both patient-friendly and pain-free. Moreover, it offers quick and long-lasting results, making it a go-to treatment for a wide range of skin concerns,” explains Dr Uzair.

The versatile nature of Carbon Laser Peel is one of its primary attractions. It offers an array of skin benefits that extend from sun damage reversal to collagen induction, acne reduction, and pigmentation correction, just to name a few. This versatility means that patients can address a variety of dermatological concerns in one comprehensive procedure.

“Carbon Laser Peel has proven to be a powerful solution for individuals dealing with the consequences of sun damage. From freckles to sunspots, melasma, and overall dullness, this treatment can work wonders. It's also a ray of hope for those struggling with persistent acne issues. The procedure reduces porphyrins (natural bacteria-reducing compounds) and effectively kills acne-causing bacteria on the skin,” explains Dr Uzair while adding that this dual-action approach has helped countless individuals regain their confidence and their radiant complexions.

One of the female patients who received Carbon Laser Peel at Estheticare for her Acne Scar Reduction shared her experience, stating, “I went to Estheticare with a long-standing concern of persistent acne scars that had significantly affected my self-esteem. After undergoing a series of Carbon Laser Peel sessions, I realised a remarkable transformation in my skin texture. The procedure effectively reduced the appearance of acne scars, and gave me a smoother and more radiant skin. This helped me in gaining a substantial boost in confidence and an improved overall quality of life.”

She emphasised the profound connection between having good skin and personal confidence, as well as the broader benefits of achieving healthy, radiant skin. She went on to say, "For me, the journey to better skin wasn't just about aesthetics; it was about the powerful impact it had on my self-assurance and overall well-being. Having good skin isn't just about looking beautiful; it's about feeling beautiful from the inside out.

"When your skin is clear, smooth, and free from imperfections, it's like a canvas that reflects your inner vitality. Confidence naturally follows because you feel more comfortable in your own skin. The transformation I experienced after the Carbon Laser Peel not only reduced the visible scars but also gave me a newfound sense of self-assuredness that radiated through all aspects of my life. I walked with my head held higher, engaged in conversations more confidently, and even took on new challenges without hesitation.

She further added that the benefits extended beyond the realm of self-esteem. “Healthy, glowing skin brings an array of advantages, both physically and emotionally. I noticed that my skincare routine became simpler and more enjoyable, as I required less makeup to conceal blemishes. This, in turn, saved me time and money. I also felt healthier and more refreshed, as I no longer had to wrestle with the emotional burden of acne scars.”

Another male Estheticare patient was concerned about signs of premature aging, including fine lines and uneven skin tone. Eager to address these issues, he decided to explore the benefits of Carbon Laser Peel treatment. Following a tailored treatment plan, the patient experienced a noticeable rejuvenation of his skin. “The procedure effectively minimised fine lines and enhanced the overall texture of his skin. Now I have more youthful and refreshed appearance, which has positively impacted both my personal and professional life,” he shared with The Express Tribune.

He shed light on the prevailing misconception surrounding men's skincare and why it's imperative for men to consider skincare as a crucial aspect of their self-care routine. He said, "Men, in general, often tend to neglect skincare. We've been conditioned to think that it's somehow less masculine or unnecessary. My experience with Carbon Laser Peel treatment made me realise the significance of skincare. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about health. Our skin reflects our well-being. Taking care of it is a fundamental part of self-care, like exercising or eating well.”

He further added that, skincare can lead to visible improvements, boost confidence, and positively impact personal and professional life. “In today's world, personal grooming is a sign of self-respect, and it influences how others perceive us. So, men, it's time to change the narrative. Skincare is a universal aspect of self-care that can lead to a healthier, more confident, and successful future,” he shared.

These cases highlight the effectiveness of Carbon Laser Peel treatments for various dermatological concerns. Please keep in mind that individual results may vary, influenced by factors like the patient's skin type and post-treatment care compliance.

Dr Uzair Khan, as the CEO of Estheticare, has introduced innovative combination treatments by pairing Carbon Peel with other laser modes, such as the Photofacial using IPL technology. This approach further underscores the clinic's commitment to delivering comprehensive solutions and catering to a wide range of skincare needs.

A growing market

As Pakistan experiences a transformative wave in skincare and aesthetics, one aspect that cannot be overlooked is the booming market and the emergence of industry leaders who are shaping the landscape. The skincare market has been on a steady rise, with more individuals seeking advanced treatments to enhance their skin health and appearance.

According to Statista, the beauty and personal care market in Pakistan generated $4.62 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a 2.77% annual rate over the next three years.

The demand for skincare treatments has seen exponential growth in recent years. More and more individuals, both women and men, are recognising the value of investing in their skin and overall well-being. This increased awareness and willingness to invest in oneself have contributed to the flourishing skincare industry in Pakistan.

At the forefront of this movement is Estheticare, one of the factors contributing to its success is its comprehensive approach to skincare. The clinic has introduced innovative combination treatments, such as pairing Carbon Laser Peel with other laser modes like Photofacial using IPL technology. This approach underscores Estheticare's commitment to providing patients with a wide range of skincare solutions, catering to various dermatological concerns.

However, with the growth of the skincare market, it's essential to exercise caution. The vast array of available treatments and providers can be overwhelming. Patients should approach skincare with an informed and discerning mindset. Research, asking questions, setting realistic expectations, and prioritising safety are key factors in ensuring a positive experience.

Despite the growing market, Dr Uzair Khan, recognises the importance of maintaining a balance between patient expectations and treatment outcomes. The challenge lies in helping patients understand that skincare is a medical field. “It's important to remember that aesthetics is a medical field, not magic; treatments should enhance individual features rather than drastically alter one's appearance,” said Dr Uzair.

As the skincare market in Pakistan continues to expand and patients become more discerning, the future is promising. The demand for advanced treatments and science-backed skincare solutions is expected to grow further, driven by the changing perceptions of beauty, increased awareness, and the commitment of industry leaders like Estheticare.

The evolving trend in Pakistan, mirroring global patterns, emphasises skin health and regeneration rather than dramatic transformations. Healthy, radiant skin is becoming the new beauty standard. As the market grows, it is essential to have trusted leaders who prioritise safety, patient satisfaction, and the delivery of exceptional results.

Changing perceptions and future trends

Pakistan is undergoing a significant transformation in the way people perceive and embrace skincare, driven by global influences, social media, and research-supported results that challenge long-held norms. The new beauty standard in Pakistan, as in many parts of the world, is all about having healthy, radiant skin, rather than pursuing unattainable ideals.

Dr Uzair and the professionals at his clinic approach focuses on delivering natural and undetectable results, enhancing one's inherent beauty rather than trying to drastically alter appearance. Younger generations, are actively prioritising skincare, marking a significant change in how Pakistan views beauty.

The shift in perceptions has been driven by a growing awareness of skincare and aesthetics, supported by extensive research. Confidence in science-backed treatments is at an all-time high, and individuals are more discerning about the treatments they choose.

Pakistan's skincare revolution is a testament to the evolving perceptions of beauty and the growing importance of skin health, driven by a blend of global influences and science-backed results. As the industry leaders like Dr Uzair and Estheticare continue to shape the landscape, the future of skincare in Pakistan looks promising. The demand for advanced treatments and the prioritisation of patient well-being are driving the industry's evolution, marking a significant shift towards embracing the beauty of healthy, radiant skin. As changing perceptions redefine beauty standards, the skincare renaissance in Pakistan reflects a broader global trend – one that celebrates authenticity, self-care, and the transformative power of science-backed skincare.