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Equalizer 3: a neo-Western curtain call

The Equalizer 3 is a film for those who have grown up on Hollywood Westerns

By Omair Alavi |
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PUBLISHED October 01, 2023

Think of Amitabh Bachchan’s Shahenshah and then place Denzel Washington in that role, and you will have The Equalizer 3. Not many would remember, but back in the 1980s, British actor Edward Woodward was the Equalizer in a successful TV show of the same name, which was the original inspiration behind the Big B classic. Unlike the Indian character who had an alter ego, Robert McCall stayed in the shadows and only surfaced when an ‘Equalizer’ was needed. He would stand for the suppressed, stand against the oppressed, and deliver justice in his vigilante style. Equalizer 3 is the last time we might see Denzel Washington as the title character in action because, through this third and final part of the trilogy, he has walked into the sunset for the final time.

What makes The Equalizer 3 stand out from other films in cinemas is that it is a promising action flick where Denzel Washington reunites with another actress after nearly two decades —Dakota Fanning. Back in 2004, when the two did Tony Scott’s Man on Fire, she was nine years old and Denzel was, at the prime of his career. Fast forward to 2023 and here Denzel Washington plays an elderly vigilante who helps Dakota Fanning’s Emma Collins who is an FBI agent he befriends for reasons only known to him.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, director Antoine Fuqua was asked about who set up Fanning and Washington’s on-screen reunion in The Equalizer 3 and he responded that it was Dakota’s manager who proposed the idea. ‘The manager called Todd Black, the producer, and then Todd called me. So, I had a meeting with Dakota, l loved her, and then I called Denzel to see how he felt. And he loved her, he loved the idea, and that’s how it all came about. It was exciting to see them come together.’

He also opened up about the chemistry between the two co-stars by revealing that they are friends and that Fanning is also close to Denzel’s children. He described witnessing the on-screen reunion as a good experience and said the pair launched, talked and Denzel gushed about how much the actress had grown up.

‘They would laugh and talk, and sometimes, he’d look over at me and say that he can’t believe she’s a grownup now. So, it was a really good experience.’ Fuqua added.

The plot

Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) gets shot in the back after a successful mission, in Sicily, Italy where he kills crime enforcer Lorenzo Vitale and his henchmen for taking money from one of his friends. After passing out in his car on his way back, McCall is rescued by a local cop Gio (Eugenio Mastrandrea) who takes him to a small-town doctor Enzo (Remo Girone), and the two are instrumental in saving McCall’s life. During his time recuperating in the town, McCall bonds with the locals but when he finds out that Mafia folks are harassing those who don’t pay them protection money, he decides to activate the Equalizer mode. How he manages to save his friends from the terrorising Camorra, and how and why he helps a rookie CIA officer in the process keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats.

The good

Just like in the Clint Eastwood Westerns where a casually passing cowboy helped the locals and then rode into the sunset, Denzel Washington’s character saved the locals from bullies who had not faced any kind of opposition in years. The way director Antoine Fuqua has designed the film makes the viewers wonder what will happen next and keeps them guessing the protagonist’s motives despite knowing that he stands for the truth and delivers vigilante justice.

Denzel Washington is on top of his game, especially in the fight sequences where he uses his stopwatch to analyse his own strengths. The 68-year-old actor had a lot to say regarding his last film as the Equalizer. In an interview in DispatchLIVE, he admitted that he belongs to that batch of actors who walk away quietly with no big speeches. “In fact, on my last day we were filming in Rome and I’m just a quiet kind of guy, no fanfare, look up and I’m gone.”

Before he said goodbye to the only character of his who has appeared in more than one film, Denzel displayed his extraordinary acting prowess that has seen him win multiple Academy Awards. Be it the scenes where he bonds with the locals, is conned into buying an old hat or where he makes the gangsters realise that their time might be up, he is ruthless and caring at the same time.

Despite the fact that more people are killed on screen in this film than in the last five big Hollywood releases, Denzel doesn’t go overboard and manages to stay in character, and even grows old – physically and mentally – in the process. While his skills as a former spy make it easy to kill dangerous characters on screen, he makes the film watchable for the audience with his calmness, his unparalleled charm, and his ability to make everyone around him feel at ease, be it the characters or the viewers.

When asked why he chose to return to the franchise, he explained the reasons in an interview. ‘What I’ve found from talking to people is that they like the character because he stands for justice. I was talking to the doormen in my building about Fences and they were like, ‘Yeah, yeah Fences is great but when are you going to do another Equalizer?’

About working with Dakota Fanning, he said in another interview that it was interesting to look at that little girl in the eyes 20 years ago and now she’s a grown woman. “It’s just a little strange for me personally. Dakota is just lovely and needless to say very talented.”

Last but not least, he thanked his stuntman for catching the punches in fight sequences and allowing him to throw punches in exchange. ‘I’ve got a great stuntman and I try to let him do as much as he can and I try to take credit for all of it. When it comes to throwing punches, usually it’s me throwing them, when it comes to catching punches usually it’s him!’

Dakota Fanning is the second-best thing about the film as she bonds well with her former co-star and although the twist regarding her identity comes up very late, it is a refreshing change for those who have followed the franchise. She might have nothing much to do in the second half but her presence changes the narrative of the film, otherwise, it would have seemed like a slasher movie where the person murdering others had a method behind his madness.

Also, unlike the second film in the series, Denzel Washington and Antoine Fuqua outdo themselves as they take the route of the first movie, and instead of portraying the title character as a new-age Rambo, they make him appear as a human who gets injured as well, but also has the power to hurt those who go for the weaklings in the society.

The bad

As mentioned before, the twist in the tale arrives quite late but that’s not the only thing that could have been bettered here. Also, the platonic relationship between McCall and a local waitress Aminah (Gaia Scodellaro) seems promising but doesn’t materialise into anything. It would have been better had the gruesome action sequences been toned down, with Dakota Fanning being asked to assist the Equalizer in some way, rather than being away from the action in the second half.

Apart from Denzel and Dakota, every supporting character is so cliched that you can predict their end long before it takes place. The police chief is corrupt, the local doctor is a saviour, the poor shop owner is harassed, the rich brat is the harasser, and so on. Despite being just 109 minutes long, the film loses track when Denzel Washington is not in the scene, and the magic is only back with his return.

And then there is the 1980s editing style used in 2023 which could have been more slick, quicker, and modern, to say the least. At times the film comes across as an Equalizer episode from the 1980s instead of a reboot four decades later. The score is also forgettable for some reason and had it been better the result would have been a perfect film instead of one where there were a few flaws here and there.

The verdict

Those who felt that they were robbed of a good Equalizer movie five years back, would definitely love this one because it explores the human side of the main character. Fans of Man on Fire would like it for various reasons but those expecting something extraordinary might be disappointed. It is in the same vein as the other two flicks that came before this one, but doesn't give anything that would make it stand out besides Denzel Washington's charm and calmness.

The film was made as a farewell to the character of Robert McCall who has been around providing ‘equality’ to others, and the way he ends his career is worth your time. For those who want more, there is an Equalizer TV series that has completed its three seasons and features Queen Latifah as Robyn McCall; however, for Denzel’s fans, this is the end of the road. There might be a possibility of another Equalizer movie but for that, the audience has to wait. No one has seen the future and who knows, Robert McCall might make a return if the fans want him to, just like John Wick, the only other good vigilante who never dies. Keep your fingers crossed!


Omair Alavi is a freelance contributor who writes about film, television, and popular culture

All facts and information are the sole responsibility of the writer