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The undisputed king of Tekken

Discover the journey of Arslan Ash, from Pakistani arcades to global esports dominance

By Nabil Tahir |
Design by: Mohsin Alam
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PUBLISHED July 14, 2024

The dimly lit room was filled with the hum of gaming consoles, computers and the soft glow of screens. The air was thick with the smell of pizza and energy drinks, the fuel of choice for the gamers assembled here. In the center of the room, a tall, lanky figure sat hunched over his arcade fightstick, his eyes fixed intently on the screen in front of him. This was Arslan Siddique, the reigning champion of the gaming world.

As he played, his fingers moved with a fluid grace, his hands dancing across the arcade fightstick with a precision that was almost mesmerising. His eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed in concentration, he was completely absorbed in the game. This was his element, the place where he came alive.

But it wasn't always this way. Growing up in Pakistan, Arslan had humble beginnings. He remembered spending hours as a child, playing games at the local arcade, mesmerised by the colors and sounds. His parents, though supportive, encouraged him to focus on his studies, unaware of the gaming prodigy that was blossoming before their eyes.

Arslan's early days in gaming were marked by secrecy and stealth. He would sneak in gaming sessions whenever he gets a chance. His friends would gather around, watching in awe as he demolished levels and defeated bosses with ease. Word spread quickly, and soon in 2018 with the rise in the gaming world Arslan Siddique was known as the “Arslan Ash”, the gaming whiz.

As he entered his teenage years, Ash's passion for gaming only intensified. He spent countless hours honing his skills, experimenting with new games and strategies. But Ash's dedication came at a cost. He would often sneak into the local arcade at night, hiding behind the machines to sleep between gaming sessions. The owners, familiar with his antics, would let him be, knowing that he was driven by a fierce passion. Ash would even resort to sleepwalking, his body somehow navigating the streets back to the arcade, his mind still fixed on the game.

And it paid off. Ash's natural talent, combined with his relentless drive, drove him to the top of the gaming world. He began competing in local tournaments, then national, and eventually international events. The wins piled up, and soon Ash was a household name in the gaming community.

As he played on, his mind wandered back to those early days, the struggles and the triumphs. He remembered the countless hours spent practicing, the late nights and early mornings. He remembered the doubters and the naysayers, the ones who said he would never make it. And he remembered the ones who believed in him, the ones who pushed him to be his best.

At the time when Ash dominated the Pakistani gaming scene, he set his sights on the international stage, confident in his abilities to take on the best players worldwide. However, he soon realised that international players had a distinct playing style, far different from what he was accustomed to in Pakistan. This epiphany caught him off guard, and he faced significant challenges in his early international matches.

“The difference between playing at an arcade center in my early days and competing at the international level is vast. I often tell people that some players excel in Pakistan but struggle in international arenas. After a long time, I realised that being a skilled player isn't the only factor; understanding the gameplay and mentality of others is equally crucial,” explained Ash.

“As a Pakistani player, I've learned that we influence and learn from each other, developing our unique gameplay styles by watching and playing with each other. This shared mentality is common among players from the same country. However, when you compete internationally, you face players from diverse backgrounds with different gameplay styles and mentalities,” he added.

But Ash refused to be discouraged. He redoubled his efforts, pouring hours into practice and analysis, determined to adapt to this new playing style. Through sheer dedication and perseverance, he bridged the gap between his Pakistani roots and the global gaming community, eventually rising to become a world-renowned player, respected by his peers and feared by his opponents.

“Initially, I thought my skills would easily translate to international success, but I faced challenges due to the differences in playing styles and thought processes. To overcome this, I realised the importance of understanding my international opponents. The best way to achieve this is by gaining experience through extensive play and international travel, allowing you to grasp how they think. Once I understood their mindset, I no longer faced issues,” said Ash.

In 2023, Arslan had a dominant year in tournaments, taking first place in an impressive seven events: EVO Japan, EVO USA, Combo Breaker, Esports World Cup, Uprsing Korea, Jemputan, and Tekken World Tour Finals. He also finished fifth at Thaiger Uppercut and sixth at CEO.

In 2024, Arslan continued his winning ways, capturing first place at “Only the Best”. He also secured second place finishes at Combo Breaker and Gamer Galaxy, and took third place at Baaz Gauntlet. Additionally, he finished fifth at Dreamhack Dallas.

The mindful gamer

Ash, who is the only Red Bull athlete from Pakistan, has mastered the art of mental preparation, mindfulness, and self-care in the high-pressure world of competitive gaming. As a top player, Ash understands the importance of a strong mental game, and he has developed a unique approach to stay focused and composed under pressure.

Before a big match, Ash engages in prayer, asking to win, which helps him feel relaxed and focused. “I feel tension, but I don't think I will lose. Instead, I focus on giving my best,” he explains saying that this mindset allows him to stay present and concentrated on the task at hand.

Mindfulness practice has been instrumental in improving Ash's gaming performance. He anticipates potential opponents and their characters, preparing specifically for those match-ups. “During gameplay, I focus on the current character I am playing and analyse my opponent's moves and strategies. I don't just play blindly with a character; I think critically about what they're doing and adjust my gameplay accordingly,” he notes.

To manage stress and pressure during tournaments, Ash relies on mindfulness techniques like prayer and maintaining a sweet treat routine. He believes that sugar boosts his mental focus and energy, helping him stay alert and concentrated. “My mind is constantly active, so I rely on gums and Red Bull. These small energy boosters help me to stay focused,” he reveals.

Despite his busy gaming schedule, Ash prioritises self-care and mental well-being. He allocates time for gym sessions, family, and personal activities, ensuring a balance between his professional and personal life.

“Although I didn't initially consider myself a role model, I've come to realise that many young people look up to me and aspire to be like me. It's a great responsibility, and I'm glad that my opinion matters. As a role model for many young gamers,” says Ash who promotes a positive message: gaming can be a healthy and valuable career path. “I'm proud to be an advocate for this industry, encouraging people to explore gaming as a viable option,” he added.

A cultural icon in the making

Ash, by winning the top tournament around the world has made a profound impact on the gaming industry, inspiring a new generation of young gamers in Pakistan and beyond. As a role model, Ash recognises the responsibility that comes with his success, stating, “I never thought I'd become a professional player, but I had a burning ambition to excel in the field.” His determination and passion have paid off, making him a symbol of hope and inspiration for many.

“I've always strived to be the best in my field, and I've noticed that many people doubt their own potential for success. As the only professional gamer representing Pakistan, I'm proud to show that talent and hard work can lead to achievements in a short amount of time. I'm grateful for this opportunity and hope to inspire others to chase their dreams, just as I have done,” said Ash.

“When I first started competing, there was virtually no gaming scene in Pakistan,” he recalls. However, after his achievements in Tekken and esports, the industry has seen significant growth, with investments from top gaming companies and the emergence of new events and tournaments.

Ash is proud to have played a role in shaping the gaming landscape in Pakistan, stating, “My success has paved the way for others, and I'm proud to have played a role in shaping the gaming landscape in Pakistan.”

“However, after my achievements in Tekken and esports, everything changed. Top gaming companies like Cloud9, FaZe, and others have invested in Pakistan, sponsoring players and tournaments. The industry has seen significant growth, with events like Takedown, Tarka Barz, and Justice League gaining popularity. Red Bull has even sponsored me, a Tekken player from Pakistan,” he added.

Ash's message to the global gaming industry is clear: Pakistan is home to a talented pool of gamers with a strong mindset and a thirst for success. He believes that with the right guidance, education, and support, Pakistan can become a gaming powerhouse, dominating the global gaming industry. “I believe that with the right investment in our talent and infrastructure, Pakistan can become a gaming powerhouse, ruling the global gaming industry,” he says.

Moreover, Ash's success has also inspired a new generation of gamers in Pakistan to pursue their dreams, despite the challenges they may face. “Many people doubt their own potential for success,” Ash notes. “But I'm grateful for this opportunity to show that talent and hard work can lead to achievements in a short amount of time.”

“However, we face challenges like limited opportunities, visa issues, and inadequate infrastructure. Despite these hurdles, we have proven our capabilities and with the right guidance, education, and support, we can dominate the gaming world. I believe that with the right investment in our talent and infrastructure, Pakistan can become a gaming powerhouse, ruling the global gaming industry,” shared Ash.

Through his success, Ash has also bridged the gap between gaming and mainstream culture in Pakistan. “Gaming is no longer seen as a waste of time or a hobby, but as a legitimate career path,” he explains.

Ash's achievements have also inspired other industries, such as sports and entertainment, to take notice of the potential of Pakistani talent. “While we have made our mark in Tekken, ranking number one globally, we have the potential to excel in other games like FIFA and PUBG,” adds Ash.

Role model for the youth

As a role model, Ash recognises the responsibility that comes with his success, stating, “I realised that I had a responsibility to be a positive influence on young gamers.” He acknowledges the pressure but doesn't let it get to him, focusing on giving his best effort and setting a good example for others.

“When I reached the international level, I realised that I had a responsibility to be a positive influence on young gamers. People from Pakistan and elsewhere look up to me, and some may feel motivated by my success. However, I don't let the pressure get to me. I understand that some people may want me to win, while others may want me to lose,” Ash explains.

“My approach is to focus on giving my best effort, without getting bogged down by the pressure. I acknowledge that it's my responsibility to try my best to win, but I also don't get too caught up in the outcome. If I lose, I don't let it bother me. My priority is to set a good example for young gamers and show them that success and failure are both part of the journey,” he adds.

Ash's approach to maintaining his competitive edge is rooted in mindfulness and consistent practice. “I prioritise consistent effort and dedication. Constant practice and refinement are essential to staying competitive,” he explains adding that by drawing inspiration from elite athletes and embracing a growth mindset, he continues to excel and push boundaries.

“To remain the best player in Pakistan and one of the top gamers worldwide, I prioritise consistent effort and dedication. Whenever a new game or patch is released, I immediately focus on adapting and improving my skills. I believe that constant practice and refinement are essential to staying competitive,” Ash says.

“I draw inspiration from elite athletes like Olympic swimmers, who emphasise the importance of daily practice and dedication. By maintaining a consistent routine and working tirelessly in the right direction, I believe I can avoid complacency and continue to excel. Even if I encounter setbacks or losses, I use them as opportunities to analyse my mistakes and improve further. Consistency, hard work, and a willingness to learn are key to sustaining my competitive edge,” he adds.

Through his success, Ash has bridged the gap between gaming and mainstream culture in Pakistan, inspiring a new generation of gamers and paving the way for future generations. As he continues to dominate the gaming world, his cultural significance will only continue to grow, inspiring others to chase their dreams and pursue their passions.

In his own words, Ash summarises his approach, “My priority is to set a good example for young gamers and show them that success and failure are both part of the journey. Consistency, hard work, and a willingness to learn are key to sustaining my competitive edge.”

Eyes on the prize

As a cultural icon, Ash hopes to leave a lasting legacy in the gaming industry, both personally and culturally. He aims to achieve immense success and create a sustainable gaming ecosystem in Pakistan, making a lasting impact on the industry.

“As a gamer, I hope to leave a lasting legacy in the industry, both personally and culturally. While I'm not sure what that legacy will be, I aim to achieve immense success in the next 5-7 years, setting records that will be broken in the future. My goal is to leave a mark that will make people remember me long after I'm gone,” Ash says.

“Currently, my focus is on becoming the best, and I'm driven by a selfish desire to reach the top. However, once I retire, I hope to create a system in Pakistan that will support and nurture upcoming gamers, paving the way for future generations. I aspire to be a pioneer in building a sustainable gaming ecosystem in Pakistan, making a lasting impact on the industry,” he adds.

Ash's remarkable journey to becoming a world-renowned gamer is a shining proof of the transformative power of passion, dedication, and mindfulness. Despite already holding an impressive array of top titles, Ash remains driven to push boundaries and inspire others, with his sights set on achieving and retaining the most coveted titles in the gaming community, including the World Cup, Evo, and Tekken World Cup Finals.

“The World Cup offers a life-changing prize of $500,000, making it a highly coveted title. Repeating my success this year would be a tremendous achievement,” shared Ash, highlighting the importance of this tournament.

He also emphasised the significance of EVO, which crowns the best player in the world, and noted that this year's tournament saw a record-breaking 5,000-plus participants, making it a highly competitive and prestigious event. “Winning EVO or the Tekken World Cup Finals would cement my position as one of the best players globally,” he said.

While these three tournaments stand out as the most coveted titles in the gaming community, Ash recognises that each tournament holds different value, with some offering substantial prize money and others boasting prestige and recognition. His commitment to mental preparation, self-care, and mindfulness has made him a challenging force in the gaming world, and his cultural significance extends far beyond his gaming achievements.

Ash has shown that passion and dedication can lead to achieving one's dreams, regardless of background or circumstances. As a cultural icon, Ash's impact extends beyond the gaming community, inspiring young people across Pakistan and the world to pursue their passions and never give up on their dreams.

Ash's legacy is a proof of the impact that one person can have on the world, and his journey will continue to inspire and motivate gamers and non-gamers alike for years to come.