1. Pangolin

Known for its armor-like scales, the pangolin is a nocturnal, insect-eating mammal.

2. Saiga Antelope

This critically endangered antelope is recognized by its bulbous nose and adapted for harsh steppe environments.

3. Southern-leaf Gecko

A small, leaf-shaped gecko with remarkable camouflage skills, native to the forests of Madagascar.

4. Marmoset

A tiny, social monkey with a distinctive, mane-like fur around its face, native to South America.

5. Laced Polish Chicken

A breed of chicken with unique feathering that gives it a distinctive laced appearance.

6. Fringe Tree Frog

A brightly colored, small frog with fringe-like extensions on its legs, often found in Central America.

7. Uakari

A striking monkey with a bald head and bright red face, found in the Amazon rainforest.

8. Shoebill Stork

Known for its large, shoe-shaped bill, this massive bird is a skilled hunter in wetlands.

9. Lady Amherst's Pheasant

A colorful and elegant pheasant, famous for its radiant plumage, native to China and Myanmar.

10. Axolotl

A unique amphibian known for its ability to regenerate limbs and retain its larval form throughout life.

11. Snub-Nosed Monkey

Characterized by its short, upturned nose, this monkey is found in the mountainous forests of China.

12. Mouse Deer

A small, nocturnal herbivore with the appearance of a deer but the size of a rabbit, native to Southeast Asia.

13. Tarsier

A small, nocturnal primate with large eyes, famous for its incredible leaping ability, native to Southeast Asia.