British grooming gang

British court rejected appeals against deportation filed by Pakistani-origin child groomers

October 28, 2022


A British court has rejected appeals against deportation filed by Pakistani-origin members of a South Asian gang of child ‘groomers’, setting the stage for their return to the country of their birth under recent bilateral agreements between London and Islamabad regarding deportees. Although most of the Pakistani-origin convicts had acquired British citizenship by the time they were caught, their citizenship was revoked based on their past criminal conduct.

In the case of the two convicted child molesters whose appeals were recently turned down, both had the audacity to claim that deporting them would be a violation of their human rights, never mind the rights of the children whose lives they ruined and who they continue to harass by returning to live near some of their victims. One of the men even had the gall to claim that sending him to Pakistan would deprive him of the ability to be father to the son one of his victims bore. In this monster’s mind, the child would benefit by having a relationship with the man who raped his mother when she was 13.

However, while the actions of these men were beyond vile and they can consider themselves lucky to have been released after only a few years of jail time, it is notable that the British press, especially right-leaning outlets, used the crime as a means to direct racist attacks at Pakistanis, accusing them of being behind a nationwide increase in child sex crimes. Sadly, none of those outlets followed up after the British government found the increase in crimes against children did not have an ethnic basis. The home office explicitly said “group-based offenders are most commonly white,” and a cursory analysis of the reporting on the issue shows media attention largely focused on crimes in areas with large Pakistani or other migrant populations.

We also hope that, unlike a few British-Pakistani sex criminals who fled to Pakistan in the past and began living it up, these men will actually face the social ostracisation that their crimes deserve.


Mohit Chauhan | 1 year ago | Reply Ever since its inception Pakistan has been involved in proxy wars and its safe heavens for tribals turned into terrorist. Reputation took a new low when laden was found in Pakistan every other terrorist caught or killed in the world has been linked with Pakistan. Unstable politics with marshall laws taking over the country. Little or no existence of rule of law. bonded labour not abolished and hatred against jews and hindus is common in the state curriculum. World media has been reporting on several issues like child abuse and drug abuse. people have been radicalised for political and religious gains. well this is just some of the topics to cover. rest all is open in media.
Rakesh Kumar Dhingra | 1 year ago | Reply Pakistan s bad image is Islamic terrorism promoted by Pakistan. Islamic fundamentalism practised by Pakistan has spoiled its name all over the world. Any country which promotes Islamic terrorism has a bad image in the world. If Pakistan wants to improve its image it has to become a modern democratic and secular state instead of being an Islamic state. It has to protect human rights. It has to abandon Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. It has to stop persecuting minorities particularly Hindus. It has to give up enmity with India instead of dreaming of 1000 years Jehad against India. It has to reform Islam to practise inclusive culture and see unity in diversity as in Hinduism. It has to stop all conversion. Otherwize religious fundamentalism will not end. It has to develop itself. It has to improve its economy.
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