Stories from Zahrah Nasir

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  • Head over heels

    Promises, it appears, are made to be broken and governmental promises definitely so.

  • A matter of choice

    The only sure-fire harvest to be reaped is by the purveyors of GMO seeds not trusting farmers grabbing at straws.

  • Cyber warfare

    The Stuxnet worm has the capability to completely hijack nuclear and other important facilities.

  • Salt of the earth

    Finding another home away from home, the old man had learned to live a life of simplicity.

  • The apples of my eye

    Hailstone-pitted as most of them are this year, they are still ruby-red, crisply juicy and worth their weight in rice.

  • A needless proposal

    Land-owing, slave-owning ‘farmers’ do not require aid in any shape, why the scheme to make farmers buy fertiliser?

  • On the boil

    Sindhi IDPs have just as much right to migrate to Karachi than the population already in residence.

  • Why the delay in evacuation?

    Everyone who could have motivated people to get out of the flood path just sat around talking and talking and talking.

  • Land of naysayers

    President Zardari struck yet another death blow by saying “I don’t think Pakistan will ever fully recover.”

  • Paindoo season

    “Madam, Madam,” he yelled as if the mountain was on fire. “I have brought some guests.” The guests were his...