Please think of other ways you can make us safer than stalling our lives for hours and days.
If it’s OK to admire women for their beauty and make it the biggest thing about them, then why not the same for a man?
Women themselves are participants in the act of perpetuating these stereotypes.
Thank you abba for not stifling my thoughts, allowing me to learn to agree and disagree with people, yet respect them.
There is certain decorum, call it adab, that is required for religious and spiritual messages to permeate a heart.
In a world where surveillance of citizens is legal, why should a media person’s right to ask questions be curtailed?
We may call it a side-effect of being too independent, but decades of harming women’s self-esteem is the real cause.
Laws may change, but nothing changes unless gender stereotypes are questioned and re-evaluated.
Privileged Pakistanis continue to pile their plates with food at weddings and end up wasting most of it. Why?
"With no food and water, do you think family planning is a priority for people on a hungry stomach?"